Gareth's Story - 47


"My 1st session, in late December was an eye opener to how unfit and unhealthy I was! I knew I had let things slip, considering in 2013 I had run a full marathon in Antarctica, but the level of my fitness really shocked me, and ultimately led to a changed mindset on my life. I struggled with exercise within a few minutes, took forever to get my breath back and felt totally out of my comfort zone. Although Adam, who took the session was supportive and had me not overdo it, having played rugby for most of my life I was really disappointed I had allowed my fitness to get to this state.

But now, I love training; I can’t wait to see what the session plan is, thinking about which exercises I can up my weights on and planning my approach. It really is a mind game, which I feel I am largely in control of, now. I now aim to complete every session, up the weights where I can, or get further in the challenge, if I hadn’t completed it before. Karen and I ALWAYS discuss the session afterwards; what went well, what was most challenging, and largely what the trainers said.

I have to compliment all the trainers, for me they have always known how hard to push me, constantly challenging my boundaries and motivating me.

I also appreciate having dedicated trainers that are focused on technique, I believe too many gyms are all about getting through the session and numbers, instead of good technique that will benefit more in the long term and reduce the risk of injury."


What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

Training for me has now become part of my life and a routine. I have lost about 12 kilos since January. I have more energy, my clothes fit me properly, I am getting compliments about my appearance and I am a lot more confident. But it is also about being in the gym; the trainers are awesome, not just for training, but for advice, confidence building and just a laugh. The whole vibe of the gym promotes you to be relaxed and enjoy yourself, feel comfortable in an environment that is unlike any traditional gym, or any other gym I have experienced or heard about!!

I think the way the sessions are planned, changed and presented keeps me interested and pushes limits.

Now, my technique is better, I am lifting bigger weights and recovering quicker, I have more weight to lose and improvements to work on, this keeps me motivated...and I just enjoy catching up with everyone in the Boss family.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start?

There were a few things that helped me get started and keep momentum.

Having Karen (my wife) join with me allowed us to go together, pushing each other on off days, discuss sessions and the different exercises that were challenging and how we got through them, and changing our diet together, starting with the Boss detox. So a gym partner really helps, there is always a friendly face in the class that will be happy to train with you!

Talk to the trainers, a lot. Tell them what you are doing with your diet, ask about ways to discuss how you feel before and after the session, by being open with the trainers, they learnt about me, my goals and my limits. They also tell you about their weaknesses and issues, and how they work with them.

Use your book! I measure my fitness improvements, my weight lifting increases and any personal sessions I do, in my book.

Food! Starting with the Boss Detox early January, we recognized how our diet was a mixture of unbalanced meals, large proportions and unplanned. We haven’t dieted, but changed how we shop, how often we eat and how much we eat – all supported by talking to the trainers and looking for healthy alternatives to the food we traditionally liked. As Darcy one said to me “good habits breed good habits”.

Boss has changed my life, in 4 months! I am happier, sleeping better, feeling energetic and loving life. Give it a go, come join our family.