A little about you?

I am 26 years old, and I moved to Australia nearly 4 years ago now from South Africa. I work as an accountant at a freight broker company in Richmond, this includes a lot of sitting and before Boss not much exercise.

Since you have first started at Boss how do you feel you have progressed?

That first session seems like it was ages ago, I struggled to get through the first session, but I remember the encouragement I received from Coop which got me through! I can now finish a session and I finally have a good routine when it comes to fitting in exercise into my daily life. I feel like every week I come down I am getting closer to achieving the goals I have set out for myself.

How has this impacted your life?

It has had a massive impact on my overall health and wellbeing. I think when I started, I had an expectation of just coming down to get my fitness up and that would be that but the changes that I have been encouraged to make outside the gym have also been massive. This is where I think the true challenge lies for me and this is where I feel like Boss is making the difference. The support in the gym during the sessions are amazing but the support when you leave is monumental. The follow up messages, the encouragement, and the daily checks to see how you are going makes it really feel like a family more than client-based business where we come down and that is that for the day.

I have a lot more energy and I can safely say work is less stressful which makes everyday a lot more fun, I do not have to wish for the weekend every day of the week. I am happy with the impact the gym has had so far which makes me really excited for how I could feel in the future.


What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

When you get there and everyone in the session is pushing it to the limit it helps me stay motivated to come down every day and give it my all. There is nothing better than starting a day with a good sweat.

What advice would you give someone who is looking to start?

I think the best advice I can give is not to be scared. It is scary starting at a brand-new gym and not knowing if you can even do the sessions, but you can do it, I mean I did it.

It takes one session for you to feel apart of the family and with the best coaches around to look after you there is nothing that can stop you from achieving your fitness goals. All you have to do is come down and do one session, after that one session you will want to come back and do another and then before you know it you are coming down 4 - 5 times a week.