A little about you?

I’m 46 years old, I run my own consulting business, mainly focused on strategic policy development and improving health outcomes. I have two kids in primary school and two crazy puppies.

Since you have first started at Boss how do you feel you have progressed?

My journey has been a long one and a little up and down, I guess. I started at Boss when it first opened – I followed Mia across from another gym, as weirdly, I like the way she yells at me… When I first started my baseline fitness was reasonable, so with the support of the coaches, I was able to push myself quite hard and see both my conditioning fitness and my strength improve. Through the regular fitness tests we did, I was able to see how much I was improving, which was great motivation for me. Over the past couple of years though, I’ve had a couple of injuries - to my shoulder and ankle, so both upper and lower body has been affected, which has changed the way I have been able to train and limited me somewhat.

How has this impacted your life?

Quite frankly, having an injury sucks! It is very frustrating to not be able to do all the things you used to do easily and take for granted. However, what I feel it has given me is a level of mental toughness and tenacity that I didn’t have before. In the past, if I had been injured, I would have stopped training altogether, which I now know is exactly the opposite of what you should do, but it is a great excuse to stop at the time! What I have found through Boss and the amazing coaches we have, is that you can keep training and improving even though you have an injury. Every session each coach would take the time to come up with modifications for me to ensure I could still get the best workout possible. They have helped me to work through my injuries to a point where I am now not needing many modifications and it is more about rebuilding strength and conditioning. With Mia and the team’s support, I feel like I am on the right track and will get back to where I was from a fitness point of view.


What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

I love that each week has a different focus and each workout is different. I love that the workouts are tough and after completing a workout, I feel so good and that I’m getting the best workout possible. I love knowing that if I can do the Boss workouts, I’m bloody awesome and I feel that other people at other gyms are just not getting the same level of workout – I secretly gloat about this when talking about gym sessions with my friends! Coming to Boss is also a social outlet for me – I love to catch up with other members, who are not just other members now, but my friends. And yes, Mia, I do like to have a chat… Coming to Boss is something I do for me – I used to feel guilty about leaving my family and taking the time to come to the gym, but I don’t anymore – I do this not only for my physical fitness, but also for my mental health.

What advice would you give someone who is looking to start?

I don’t think you could find a more inclusive gym than Boss gym, so for anyone looking to start, I’d just say give it a try. You can start small, anything can be modified so you get the best workout to suit you, and you just take it from there! I love the environment and the members and most of all the coaches – Mia, Adam, Darcy, Coop and Mitch – you are all fabulous and I want to say thank you!