Member Story: Mary Mitchell 59yrs

Member Story: Mary Mitchell 59yrs

Mary is 59 years old and has only been with us for exactly 1 year and has shown so much improvement that us trainers are still so amazed. Not only can we see a huge improvement in Mary's technique, her strength and her fitness but what we have noticed is her attitude towards exercise and training. When she first joined us, she didn't have any confidence in the gym and never thought she would understand any workouts or exercises but now 12 month in, she turns up with no complaint 3 times every week and pushes so hard in every workout and we just love seeing this change!


"I was very confused my first session, I’d never been to a gym before, let alone know what a Kettlebell Thruster was, or any of the exercises for that matter.

My daughter forced me to come, and I didn’t think I was going to last very long. All of the members were friendly and supportive which made me feel comfortable and motivated to come back.

I feel achy when I walk in, I have suffered from bad psoriatic arthritis for the last 20 years. Because of this, Mia, Adam & Steph moderate exercises to my ability, they’re also constantly watching members and correcting their technique. I still get things wrong all the time and I can’t read the whiteboard because I’m blind, but they’re so supportive and always there to help me. I walk out feeling great and ready to start the day."


What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

Knowing that I’ll feel much better after the workout. I also love that I’m constantly feeling stronger, which makes my everyday life a lot easier.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start?

Just give it a try. If you think your capabilities are limited, the trainers are great at customising the working to suit you. You’ll feel great afterwards!


Member Story: Ash M

Member Story: Ash M


"I Joined Boss Gym by chance. I didn’t know Boss gym existed until one night I was at a bar with a mate and ran into Melissa Gough (fellow member) whom I used to work with many, many years ago. She told me she was at a drinks evening for the gym and told me details about the gym. She introduced me to Mia and Adam that night and a couple of weeks later I joined. At the time I really needed to do something about my health/fitness. Before joining Boss I really hadn’t done much exercise for the previous 12-18 months. I was in a bit of a rut and I needed to change things. Meeting Mia and Adam that night was the catalyst for that change.

I remember my first training session quite well. I turned up and I was quite nervous as I didn’t know what to expect. Within the first 1-2 minutes I was gasping for air. I somehow struggled through it and at the end of it I felt light headed and sick. Mia made me go and lie down and put my feet up on the wall to get the blood flowing back to my head. This actually happened for the first few sessions I went to.

I still get nervous now as I still don’t know what to expect. That’s what I love about Boss. Every session is different and challenging. However, once I get started I love it. Mia, Adam and Steph are great motivators and will push me to my limits. I also look forward to just seeing and talking to the other members. They are a great bunch of people where everyone encourages and supports each other."

What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

A couple of things - I sit all day at work and I just say to myself I have to move at some stage. There are many times I don’t feel like coming to the gym and would rather just remain seated for the rest of the evening. Nobody is motivated all the time. However, I know I’ll regret it the next day. In my opinion, getting to the gym is the hard bit. Once you’re there and you get started its all good, plus you feel so much better after a session. The other motivation is seeing progress and improved results. By turning up regularly and doing your best this progress and improvement will naturally follow.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start?

The thought of starting at a gym and pushing yourself can feel nervous and intimidating. I still get nervous before each session. However, you’ll soon realize that everyone, no matter what their fitness levels, are in the same boat and trying to improve themselves.

Mia always drums this into me – ‘Be Consistent’. Try and make going to the gym part of your daily routine. Look at it as something that just needs to be done. Even if you don’t feel like going, just turn up. It’s better than not turning up at all.

Record/Note your progress from day 1. You’ll soon see improvement and this will reinforce why you started going to the gym.

Listen and soak in advice from Mia, Adam and Steph. They are on the journey with you as well.

Member Story: Sue G

Member Story: Sue G

Sue's Story - 56yrs

Sue joined us a few years ago when we were only just an outdoor bootcamp and has been with us all the way through. She is 56 years old and is a mum of 4 kids who all come along to Boss. Sue started off with really no understanding of exercise and has come such along way, she is lifting weights of members half her age and smashing through each workout 3 times a week. She finished her first Saturday session (our toughest session) two weeks ago which was a huge achievement and showed us exactly how far she has come. 

"My first training session was a few years ago with Mia at her bootcamp on a Saturday morning, I was rather pleased with myself for getting there, didn't think I'd get through the warm up. But now I come 3 times a week and really enjoy the morning sessions, I feel like I've accomplished something for the day."

What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

"I like the classes and the atmosphere, the members are friendly and supportive and most of all...its a family affair for me, I get to be with my girls and we are doing something we are all interested in."

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start?

"I recommend people give it a go, Mia and Adam are very encouraging, they listen to what you have to say and have alternatives in place for any injury and if you need abit of an extra push they are really good at that too!"

Boss Challenge - Jordyn V

Boss Challenge - Jordyn V

Week 1 - Jordyn V

Jordyn is 23 years old and lives at home with her mum and younger brother. She works split shifts, early morning and then back again in the afternoon doing occasional care for Camp Australia. She is currently enrolled at Swinburne University studying to be a primary school teacher. 


1. What have you been currently doing towards your fitness/health goal? 

I have just recently started to cut out sugar as I was preparing to do that for the challenge to try and get my health back on track. I have been paranoid for some time now about the long term affects to eating too much sugar. I don't want to get to that point where its too far gone and I can't change the damage I have done. I have also been working on trying to eat a balance of food and not eating a large portion of food that 3-4 people can eat instead of 1 (haha).


2. What’s been your biggest obstacle so far (outside of the challenge)?

My biggest obstacle is work and getting board. I work split shifts, so I have a gab of about 6 hours in the middle of the day and can get board easily so I would overeat. So to not eat out of boredom has been really hard, even if its good healthy food, I find I am overeating too much of that because I am home. So this has become a bad habit.


3. Why did you end up where you are today? (Kids, busy lifestyle, injuries, scared of the gym etc)

I am very good at being motivated for a short time. I find I  will get really motivated and then if I get really tied or stressed from work or family I will fall off the wagon very quickly and then find it hard to get that same motivation and momentum as before. So just consistency for me has been hard.


4. What are your goals for the challenge?

I really want to learn to be more disciplined. I want to clean up my diet so my health is on track, as I am very worried about what the damages long term that can come from how I have been eating. My main goal is to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle. 


5. What mindset are you bringing to the challenge?

My focus and mindset is set on the future. I really want to be consistent and motivated throughout the challenge but also after it finishes. I want to create habits that will last, I know cutting out sugar is a hard thing to do but I know long term it's so much better. So my focus is on how I am going to move and function everyday later in life, I know I am ok now, but what is the long term effect of what I am doing going to have in the future. 


6. Do you want to win this challenge? Are you motivated by the competition and the possibility of winning or are you just doing this for you and the prize would be a bonus?

*Lots of laughs* Was definitely more about my health, but I'm happy to win, I'd like to win, that would be good. I am motivated to win, it's good to have a bit of healthy competition.

Boss Challenge - Erin M

Boss Challenge - Erin M

Week 1 - Erin M

Erin is 42 and married with 2 kids, Flynn 5yrs and Edin 3yrs, one who goes to daycare and one who goes to school. Erin and her husband have their own business, so her husband works long hours and is travelling around Melbourne alot. Until very recently, Erin travelled quite often to Canberra for work, every 2-3 weeks she would have to head up to Canberra for work, so would be on planes, at airport lounges with access to food and wine. But now is working from home which is great as it gives Erin the flexibility and chance to be more prepared but also give her access to anything all day. But will be travelling again for work soon, so wants to use this challenge to set herself up so when she does travel again she has created new healthy habits that keep her out of the lounges with food and wine (haha).


1.     What have you been currently doing towards your fitness/health goal? 

I have been coming to Boss Gym now for about 15 months, so I have been pretty good and regular on the exercise. However I haven't been as good as I could be on the food, well more the wine. I like to have a few wines which unfortunately also turns into not the best food, so that's something I am aiming to focus on for this challenge. 


2.     What’s been your biggest obstacle so far (outside of the challenge)?

As most people say, you get very busy and life gets in the way and it can be hard to be prepared and to plan. Having kids and getting home after a busy day at work can be tiring and I may have something planned to cook but then I just can't be bothered and I will substitute and go for an easier option.


3.     Why did you end up where you are today? (Kids, busy lifestyle, injuries,      scared of the gym etc)

I think I have always liked being fit and healthy and I have always considered myself as someone who was fit and healthy. Which is great but in many ways it's bad as you can set aside some of the things you do becuase you tell yourself you go to the gym so I am fit and healthy. So now as I am getting older its not as easy to make the same changes, when you are younger its a lot easier to say "I'm going to make a change" and your body responds quite quickly and now I find I am getting older and my body is changing. Suddenly I am now in a position where I don't really like how I look and realise maybe I am not as fit and healthy as I thought so I am now ready to make that change.


4.     What are your goals for the challenge?

I want to loose weight, I want to loose 10kg, this is just a number but wanted to have a set weight loss goal. But I really want to get my life on track so that I can do things that are good for me. I want to feel good about the way that I look, I want to be doing the right things by my body so that I am actually healthy, I want to set a good example for my kids. The other morning I made a piece of toast from one of the recipes in the challenge with natural peanut butter, banana and chia seeds and both my kids wanted it, they wanted my peanut butter, the healthy peanut butter and not the one I normally buy for them. And this felt really good and this is the reason I want to do this, I want to something that sets me up to give me a good lifestyle that I still enjoy but where I am healthy into the future.


5.     What mindset are you bringing to the challenge?

I think I am pretty committed, I have learnt about myself that accountability really works for me and I think thats why Boss Gym has really worked for me. If you have to book in and Mia is calling you at 5am in the morning saying "Where are you? You better turn up" that works for me, I am going to turn up. So having that accountability I have said I am going to commit to this even though I know I have many things on over these 10 weeks that is going to make it hard sometimes. But instead of just saying I am going to ride this week off because I have something on, I am looking at ways I can work around it and make it work. I think I am determined and I am ready.


6.     Do you want to win this challenge? Are you motivated by the competition and the possibility of winning or are you just doing this for you and the prize would be a bonus?

I think it's nice to have a little bit of the competitive nature come out in yourself, but I wouldn't say it's what fundamentally drives me. But it's a nice little bit of extra motivation and sometimes you surprise yourself by saying "oh yeah, I'll bring it on a little bit more becuase its a competition". But fundamentally I will do one off those fluffy quotes - we're going to be all winner at the end (haha).

Member Story: Ellie B

Member Story: Ellie B

Ellie's Story - 20yrs

Ellie has only been with us for just over two months, but she made a commitment when she joined to make sure she is consistent and to come to the gym most days. She has been so amazing to watch, she has been getting in here a minimum of 4 times every single week and putting everything into her sessions. Her technique, strength and fitness is increasing every single week and it's only just beginning. I love that she is making this part of her life and noticing all the amazing changes it is bringing in so many aspect of her life.


"Leading up to my first session I was nervous - I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. However, the Boss Gym family were welcoming and supportive and I immediately felt at ease. After the session, I was completely and utterly exhausted but I remember feeling really proud of what I had achieved. For me, no matter how unfit I was, surviving my first workout was a real achievement.  

Now, honestly, I love it!! Training at Boss Gym has become a part of my daily routine and has improved my life in so many ways. How I feel about myself, my mood, my sleeping pattern as well as my diet have completely transformed just from training at Boss."

What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

Through Boss Gym’s sessions and how they are structured, my fitness goals have become as important to me as weight loss. I am never bored as the sessions change each day and every day I go to Boss I feel happier and stronger. I am a much better version of myself now and that motivation flows out into other areas of my life.

What advice would you give to someone who is looking to start?

Just do it!! You won’t regret it. Mia and Adam provides so much support as well as catering to injuries. The changes you will see will truly amaze you! I have done so many different training programs/fads and Boss has been the only one that I’ve stuck with and that has truly worked for me. I believe this is because of Mia and Adam’s expertise and their unique approach to fitness and wellbeing – I can’t recommend them highly enough!

Member Story: Carey M

Member Story: Carey M

Carey's Story - 53yrs

Carey has been part of Boss since the very first day, back when some session would just be him on his own. Carey has always been someone who went to the gym but has now taken everything to the next level - his fitness, his strength and his knowledge on good nutrition and training.

I am so impressed with Carey’s dedication, watching how much his technique has improved over the last 12 months is amazing. No matter if Carey has limitations, he will find a way to exercise, he wont let it bother him and will work around anything and still manage to be covered in sweat and smashing out an awesome session. Because Carey understand how important exercise is for both his physical and mental health nothing will get in his way.


“I felt like throwing up when I first joined “team Mia” but I was hooked! For years I had been going to the gym and just doing the standard 4 sets of 8-12 reps on specified muscle groups with no real purpose or results.

It was by chance that I signed up for a 12 week challenge (Mia promised me weight loss and youthful looks) at least she achieved one of her objectives! As circumstance played out Genesis closed and we were “forced” to continue our program at Mentone Primary School with Mia where I did my first boot camp. Anyway after three knee reconstructions and a hip replacement (his joking haha) I am still hooked on the style of training Mia provides.

Now exercise is like my Viagra of life. It is what sets me up for the day ahead and where I can push myself physically and release any tension I may have."

What motivates you to keep turning up and training?

It is part if my routine. I want to be a fit Dad and keep up with my boys and be a good role model for them both. Also, it is a good stress reliever  

What advise would you give someone who is looking to start?

Take it at your own pace and really think about what you want to get out of your training…what is your Why?

Member Story: Karen G

Member Story: Karen G

Karen's Story - 58yrs

Karen started with us back in July with the goal to lose 10kg before her son’s wedding and to be able to chase her grandchildren. She was essentially starting from “scratch” with no real experience in a gym, spending most of her time sitting at a desk because she works in Administration and concerned that at 58 years old she might even be too old to start.

I have been incredibly impressed by Karen’s progress over the past 8 months – her technique, strength, fitness and confidence have completely turned around! She has a real understanding of what it means to “work to intensity”, and I love seeing her push herself to her limits each session. She recently had a fall and injured her knee but she hasn’t let that get in the way of getting the most out of her training sessions. Karen has incredible focus and determination, her can do attitude inspires us all.


“I felt nervous starting my first training session as I had no confidence in my ability to achieve anything. I didn’t know what half the exercises that Mia was talking about were.  I was also a bit concerned about my age and if I was just too old to start.  I now love coming to the gym, the Boss family are amazing and are so supportive of not only me but each and every member. We all push each other to achieve our best and when I leave I am totally exhausted but also feel amazing.

Mia has been an amazing trainer for me adapting my training to suit my abilities, encouraging me through a recent injury, which I did think, would be the end of my training regime.”

What motivates you to keep turning up and training

“My initial motivation was to lose ten kilos before my son’s wedding (which I achieved) my second motivation was to be able to chase my grandchildren (I can).  

My motivation now is simple – I love going to the gym it has become part of weekly routine ‘I do it for me’. “

What advice would you give someone who is looking to start?

“Just do it, you won’t regret it, I certainly haven’t’.”

Exercise:     Dead Ball Slams

Exercise: Dead Ball Slams

Training with weighted balls has been around for literally thousands of years. And one of our favourites is a dead ball. Dead balls as the name suggests, are a dead weight with little to no bounce.  

Dead Balls are extremely tough and designed to withstand very high impact, making them perfect for exercises such as slams.

Dead ball slams are tremendous tools for training strength and power throughout the entire kinetic chain. Dead balls are hard to grip so help in developing core strength and stability, from the ground up.


The medicine ball slam is a full body exercise, utilising the shoulders, lats, abs and quads.
As the slam is a compound exercise it’s fantastic for overall conditioning and quickly gets the heart rate going. Slams are an excellent power exercise that involves rapid shoulder, truck and hip flexion which can transfer over to benefit many other exercises:  

  • Improves the speed of shoulder extension which can benefit swimmers and throwers
  • Improves explosive power for sports like basketball or football.
  • Builds strength and stability through the trunk and midline which benefits EVERYTHING you do (one of the main reasons we love them so much).
  • And of course, they burn calories, dead ball slams are intense and are required to be performed in short, explosive bursts which get the heart rate up quick. 

How to perform:

  • Pick up the ball and raise it over your head with arms extended.
  • Throw the ball into the ground as hard as you possibly can. (be careful to bend through the knees and not the back - use your legs to generate the force)
  • You want to try to get the ball to bounce, even slightly depending on the type of ball you’re using, and attempt to catch it on the first bounce.

*Check out the video and photos below on how to perform the dead ball slam



Recipe: Chewy Chocolate Balls

Recipe: Chewy Chocolate Balls

Chewy Chocolate Balls 

If you want a healthy bliss balls that taste just like chocolate, then this one is certainly the winner. This is super easy to make and only has 5 ingredients and takes less than 10 minutes to make.


1 cup of pitted dates

1/2 cup raw almonds

2 1/2 scoops of Gold Standard Chocolate Protein powder (you can use any brand you like)

2 tablespoons of raw cocoa (use a good quality brand to get the best flavour)

Desiccated coconut to roll balls in.

Water if needed to make mixture more moist.


Place the almonds into a food processor and blend until smooth (if you prefer chunkier pieces of almonds then blend for less time).

Add the dates, protein powder and raw cocoa into the blended and blend until combined. Slowly add in a little water at a time and blend again, scrapping down the walls of the food processor.  

Once mixture feels and looks quite gooey then this is the perfect consistency. 

Using a tablespoon, scoop out bite size amounts and roll into balls (the mixture should stick to your hands) roll through desiccated coconut which will stop the balls from sticking. 

Place into freezer for atleast 60 minutes and enjoy straight from the freezer, these balls should be chewy and chocolatey.



Fats: 4.8g

Protein: 8g

Carbs: 15g

Calories: 130 



Recipe: Peanut Butter Bliss Balls

Recipe: Peanut Butter Bliss Balls

Peanut Butter Bliss Balls

There are so many different recipe for bliss balls, but this is one of my favourite ones as I LOVE peanut butter! This only requires 4 ingredients and so easy to make. The best thing about healthy bliss balls is getting them packed full of protein and having them for a healthy treat for yourself and also for the kid's lunch boxes. 


1 cup of wholemeal quick oats

3 scoops of Gold Standard Chocolate protein powder (you can use any protein)

1/3 cup Mavvers Peanut Butter (use any natural peanut butter)

2 tablespoons of raw organic honey

Add water as needed (these balls should be sticky but easy to roll)


All you need to do is add all ingredients together in a blender until mixed through, add more water as needed to get the desired texture. You could always add extra honey or peanut butter but be aware these two ingredients are high in calories. 

Take a dessert spoon and scoop out enough to fill the spoon and roll into bite size balls. This recipe will make 10 balls depending on the size.

Store in a container in the fridge or freezer and enjoy.



Fat: 6g

Protein: 11g

Carbs: 11g

Calories: 145 cals

Exercise: The Back Squat


Exercise: The Back Squat

The Back Squat is often referred to as the king of all exercises and this is because it works so much more than just your legs. The Back Squat is a compound movement using so many different muscle groups. Your Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings, Calves, Rectus Abdominis (abs), Erector Spinae (muscles supporting your spine and Obliques are all used during one repetition.

Back Squats are an extremely effective exercise, and ought to be a part of nearly everyone's workout routine - no matter whether your goals are strength, size, or just general fitness. However, as you're going to be lifting more weight in this exercise than most others, you need to make sure you use the right equipment, and do them safely.

While squatting should be a very natural movement to us, unfortunately this is not the case for most and may require a bit of mobility before you can even start to try a Back Squat. A very common limitation people will find is not enough dorsiflexion of the ankle (no range) so they are unable to get their knee to go over their toe. A way to help this while you are starting out is to place two thin plates under your heels as I have done so below. This is only to help you get started with your squats, working on mobility (foam rolling and stretching) through your calves will help build up the movement you need long term.   


In preparation for performing barbell squats, position an empty barbell on a squat rack at a height that's about 3cm lower than your shoulders.

Load an equal amount of weight on each side of the barbell and secure the weight plates to the barbell with barbell clips.

Step under the barbell and place the centre of the bar directly on the meaty part of your shoulders below your neck. If this is uncomfortable, you can use a towel or other padding to cushion the bar. The bar will become less uncomfortable as you get used to doing squats.

Once you've positioned the bar on your upper back, grasp the bar firmly with your hands. It's a good idea to position your hands so that they're separated by a distance at least twice your shoulder-width. Spacing your hands too close together can lead to straining of your shoulders.

With the barbell centered on your shoulders, use your legs to lift the barbell off the rack and then step back just enough to perform the exercise without bumping into the rack, as shown below.

You can position your feet about shoulder-width apart with your feet and knees pointing slightly outward.

Once your hands and feet are suitably positioned, you can perform the barbell squat. Take a big breathe in and start by bending your knees and allowing your hips and upper body to descend under control until your bum is below your knees.

Next, breathe out and vigorously push the weight upwards until you reach the initial standing position. Make sure you are keeping your stomach as contracted as possible during the entire squat and not holding your breath. 

Common Mistakes:

1. Knees buckling in when pushing up out of the squat - focus on pushing your knees out externally as you are pushing up to the standing position.

2. Bending only the knees and not the hips - focus on bending both your hips and knees at the one time so you descend naturally to the ground.

3. Back rounding out during the squat which can cause serious injury to the lower back - focus on looking straight ahead and keeping your back from changing positions at all.

4. Coming to far forward and allowing your heels to come off the ground when coming out of the squat - keep your bodyweight centred in your heels when pushing up outside of the squat.



The majority of Aussie kids are not getting enough exercise


The majority of Aussie kids are not getting enough exercise

Physical activity is vital for a child’s development and will lay the foundation for a healthy and active life as an adult. I cannot stress enough the importance of developing good habits surrounding physical activity and healthy eating habits early in life, and encourage families to engage in regular physical activity.

According to the Heart Foundation the majority of Australian children and young people are not meeting the daily Australian physical activity guidelines. Whilst it is estimated that 60% of Australian children participate in organised sport, this participation is no guarantee that children are getting enough exercise or the physical development that their growing bodies require.

Even if a child is involved in organised sports from a young age, the variety of skills taught during their training sessions will be specific to the sport they’re participating in rather than focusing on building the appropriate strength or movement that the child needs to minimise their risk of injury or developing poor form that will lead to problems later in life.

Research has shown that the health benefits of exercise among children and youth include increased physical fitness (cardio and muscular strength), reduced body fat, favourable cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk profiles, enhanced bone health, and reduced symptoms of depression*

A focus on essential movement training is imperative for children that are beginning school. They have shifted from a day where they were constantly moving freely around the house or kindergarden to sitting at a desk for 6 hours a day. Naturally, this results in a decline of their basic movement skills, causing instability and a decrease in strength of core stability and ankle, knee and hip mobility.

As a child progresses through the school years and their homework loads increase, they are now spending even more time sitting at a desk, and often lunch times will be spent sitting outdoors instead of engaging in active playtime. This results in an even more marked decrease in strength and movement.

This pattern continues into adulthood and we find ourselves with constant niggles and pain caused by poor movement in young age and compounded by limited physical activity as we age. I spend a significant amount of time re-programming adults to reduce the damage caused, but taking preventative measures now can help your child achieve a lifetime of strong fundamental movement and a positive association with exercise.

At Boss, we are passionate about this issue and its role in reducing chronic pain in later life (of which currently more than 70% of our adult population suffer from at least one form).

Just like adults, children learning to move well through guided targeted  exercise enjoy the benefits of increased confidence and self-esteem, stress relief, improved sleep and digestion  in addition to improved posture, balance, co-ordination, strength and flexibility. All vital to overall health and wellbeing.

Our Kids Fit Program kicks off on May 16th and is designed for children between the ages of 6 and 12. Our classes are held at 4.30pm on weekdays and we are currently offering free introductory sessions. To book or make an enquiry call 9584 1212 or email us below.


Tip: How to limit sugar

Tip: How to limit sugar


You may not be eating Oreos by the box or sculling cans of Coke, but that doesn't mean sugar's absent from your diet. You're likely eating sugar throughout the day without even realising it. Sugar is added to foods that don't even taste all that sweet, like breads, condiments, and sauces, and it adds up! High-sugar diet boosts your odds of tooth decay, heart disease, diabetes and weight gain. Slash your sugar intake with these simple tips.